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HVAC Service and Maintenance Technicians in Atlanta, GA

Heating and cooling equipment are complex pieces of machinery with many technical parts that work together for efficient operation. If any of these components are out of whack or fail, it can mean trouble for the HVAC system. Proper service and maintenance are essential, and the team at Winning Refrigeration is proud to offer top-notch services by trained experts at competitive rates. We’ve been serving the Metro Atlanta GA area for more than 20 years and are constantly working to win over new customers with our exceptional residential and commercial solutions.

living room with fireplace

Play It Safe With Preventative Maintenance

HVAC equipment, like your car and even your health, is in the best care with preventative maintenance. Of course, if something breaks down or fails, we often fix it or replace a part, but why wait to get to that point? Calling on us to proactively inspect and test your heating and cooling equipment is a much safer and less expensive way to service your system. Doing so will reduce the costs of more extensive repairs and minimize the chance of having a breakdown at the most inconvenient time, such as the coldest day in January or the hottest day in July.

When to Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Scheduling preventative HVAC maintenance should be done at the beginning of each heating and cooling season. In early spring, we will inspect and test the air conditioning, replace any worn parts, including filters, and ensure it’s operating as it should. In the fall, we focus on your heater, changing filters, testing electrical components, and performing a test run of the system. Doing this before the hot and cold temperatures arrive ensures you’re ready for each season.

Emergency HVAC

Even if you’re diligent with your seasonal maintenance, you might still need an emergency repair on occasion. We offer emergency services for repairs that can’t wait. Our technicians are courteous and clean, and we arrive to deal with the most common issues during the first visit.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance and Repairs

Contact us at Winning Refrigeration for residential and commercial HVAC maintenance and repair services in Atlanta, GA. We serve the entire metro area with award-winning work. Learn about our seasonal maintenance program, and we’ll provide helpful reminders about upcoming services, so you’re prepared for every season. Give our team a call today!

Work Hard and Work Smart