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Upgrade With a New HVAC System Installation

Winning Refrigeration offers homeowners throughout the Metro Atlanta area many options for new HVAC systems to keep comfortable year-round. We partner with the top names in home heating and cooling manufacturing, such as Trane, Carrier, Lennox, and Rheem, to ensure our customers get the best available products that meet their needs. Our company has over 20 years of experience, and we know how to install the correct size unit for your home and fuel source for the most efficient energy consumption that meets your budget.

air conditioning units outside of apartment complex

Is It Time for a New HVAC Unit?

With today’s modern technology and improved efficiency, homeowners can upgrade their heating and cooling systems with better products that offer more accurate climate control while reducing their carbon footprint. We work with the best brands in the industry and can install new technology, such as heat pumps for heating and cooling. However, is it worth replacing your existing HVAC unit with a more modern appliance if the current one still works? There are a few things to consider when it comes to a new installation. For example, how old is your current HVAC unit? If it’s more than 10 years, it could be worth replacing. How often does it need repairs? If you’re calling for issues frequently each season, it’s probably time to replace it.

Relaxed older woman sitting on couch in air conditioner room

Benefits of New HVAC Installation

Our knowledgeable technicians can provide an honest assessment to help determine if it’s time to install a new HVAC system in your home. By determining the age of the unit and weighing the cost of current and future repairs against the cost of installing a new one, we can offer helpful information for you to consider. If you decide it’s time to install a new heating and cooling system, you’ll enjoy benefits such as:

  • Reduced energy costs due to modern efficiency
  • Better climate control in your home
  • Product warranties
  • Healthier air in your home
  • Quieter operation

Get a Quote for New HVAC System Installation

Want to learn more about your options for a new heating and cooling system in your home? Contact Winning Refrigeration in Atlanta, GA, and we’ll provide you with an in-home estimate for a new HVAC installation. We can discuss the pros and cons of furnaces and heat pumps while determining which product will meet your needs and budget. Give us a call to schedule an estimate today.

For Your Next Air and Heating Repair, Contact Winning Today!