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Trust Winning Refrigeration for AC Repair

From minor heating and air conditioning repairs to full-blown system overhauls, our Winning Refrigeration HVAC experts make the process simple. We can get your system working again, no matter the type, make, or model, so you can stay comfortable no matter what mother nature throws at you. In everything we do, you’ll find quality, honesty, and dependability. Trust your home’s air conditioning repair to a company that does things the right way, not the easiest way. Guaranteed 100% satisfaction.

temperature gauge check

AC Repair in Metro Atlanta

How do you know if your air conditioner needs to be repaired or if it’s time to replace it? What are some common air conditioner problems, and can you diagnose an air conditioner problem on your own? We at Winning Refrigeration believe that the more you know about air conditioning and heating repair, the more likely you are to hire us as your air conditioning service provider! All of our employees have been background checked and verified. Our repair technicians were hand-picked to ensure that we have the best in the business. Each is extremely knowledgeable and communicative, so they can assist you in understanding the problem and the best solutions to resolve it. They respect your home, so you can have faith in them.

Common AC Problems and Causes

If your air conditioner does not turn on when you turn it on or when the thermostat is set to start it, it could be due to one of the following reasons:


Compressor and fan controls can wear out due to overworking, and connections can become corroded.

Failure of the Thermostat

Your thermostat can fail for a variety of reasons, preventing a successful connection to your AC.

Faulty Motor

If the motor fails, the AC will not function. Most of the time, strange sounds will be heard before the unit stops working. A capacitor test can determine whether the problem is caused by the motor.

Condenser Lines

A condenser line can become dirty, mold or algae can grow on it, and twigs and branches can accumulate.

Thermostat Problem

A faulty thermostat can cause the air conditioning system to not operating properly.

Home Air Conditioning Repairs & Maintenance

Summer in Atlanta can be stifling, which is why ensuring your air conditioner is in good working order for the season is so important. Winning Refrigeration offers comprehensive up-flow and horizontal air conditioning unit repairs and preventative maintenance services for homeowners throughout the Metro Atlanta area to provide peace of mind heading into the warmer months. Is your AC not quite doing its job, or is it time for a seasonal tune-up? Give our team a call today.

hvac units

Knowledgeable Professionals and Trusted Services

One thing we stand behind is our customer satisfaction guarantee. We want you to be delighted with our services and make it a point to keep you in the loop about the condition of your air conditioner. Our technicians are respectful and honest and work efficiently to minimize the disruption an air conditioner repair may cause. With over 20 years of experience on our side, we promise to properly assess and offer a solution to your system’s issue.

elegant bedroom

Signs You Need AC Repair

We recommend seasonal tune-ups for air conditioning equipment and heat pumps to address any potential issues before they arise. However, even the most well-cared-for unit can pose a problem. Our first priority is to offer a repair solution when possible, although in some cases, a replacement might be a better option. Common signs your AC might need repair include:

  • The air coming out of the vents isn’t cool
  • The temperature in the home doesn’t seem to match the thermostat
  • No air is coming out of the vents
  • Condensation or water is dripping from the unit
  • Frozen Coil
  • Clogged Filters
  • Faulty Thermostat

We’ll Keep You Cool to Beat the Heat This Summer

Keeping your air conditioning unit in good repair and calling at the first sign of any issue will benefit you in many ways. For one, it minimizes the expense of costlier repairs, but it will also help your system function reliably and last longer, so you get more years of service before replacing it. Winning Refrigeration is a trusted HVAC contractor committed to helping you get the best results with your AC unit. Contact us to schedule a repair or seasonal tune-up today.

Contact Us Today

With Winning Refrigeration, you always have the final say on your air conditioning repair or replacement. Our HVAC technicians will offer the best diagnosis of your AC unit and they will take all the necessary steps to keep it running as efficiently as possible. They will guide you through your options and probable outcomes. If a replacement is necessary, we have finance plans available to help you afford efficient top-of-the-line systems. To take advantage of our tune-up special or to schedule a free repair estimate, contact us at 404-239-3819. Winning Refrigeration proudly serves metro Atlanta areas.

For Your Next Air and Heating Repair, Contact Winning Today!