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Commercial Heating Boiler Services in Metro Atlanta, GA

Contact the team here at Winning Refrigeration. We’ve been serving the water heater needs of residents and business owners throughout metro Atlanta for over 20 years. We are excited to assist you! We value our clients and believe in offering you control over the products and services you require. We are simply here to educate and guide you when you require assistance.

hot water heater

Do You Need a Commercial Water Heater Replacement?

In many cases, when a business owner or a commercial property manager contacts us for a water heater installation, it’s actually a replacement because their water heater is showing signs of old age and malfunction. A properly maintained commercial water heater will last a long time, but it can’t last forever. If your commercial water heater is displaying any of the following signs, it may be time to inquire about a replacement.

  • Consistently Low Hot Water Output: When it comes to water heater systems, being unable to fulfill even moderate demand levels is not a good indicator. If yours is having trouble providing adequate hot water to your building, please contact us.
  • High Repair Frequency: At some point, all systems will require maintenance. However, this is not the same as needing maintenance every few months. If this is the situation with your business water heater, it is almost probably time to replace it.
  • Old Age: Commercial water heaters are designed to last roughly 15-20 years if properly maintained. A water heater begins to lose efficiency and become more expensive to maintain after this stage. If you know you have a very old water heater, you should have us inspect it to see if a replacement is necessary.

Our Boiler Services Go Above and Beyond

Our commercial boiler services touch on everything you’ll ever need throughout the life of your equipment, including:

Boiler Installation

Are you building a new business or facility? We offer full-service boiler installation for hot water utility needs in all types of new construction for any industry.

Boiler Replacement

Boilers need to be replaced for various reasons, such as loss of efficiency or wear due to age. Modern boilers come with high-efficiency output and energy-star-rated performance for incredible results.


Our technicians are prepared to handle most repair issues on the initial visit. We perform troubleshooting, assessments, and part replacements while accurately pinpointing issues and leaving you with a functioning boiler.

Contact Us for Your Commercial Water Heater Services

The easiest way to ensure that your business water heater is getting the most out of it is to schedule preventive maintenance at least once a year. This slows the effects of wear and tear on the system, boosts its efficiency, and extends its lifespan. It also allows our staff to identify possible problem areas in the system and resolve them before they worsen.

Work Hard and Work Smart